8.3 Configuration

We have prepared a configuration guide on openLCA.org - Configuration Guide. Also you can find some settings described below.

Changing settings in the web application

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Admin area basic settings and enabled features
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Admin area mail configuration and imprint

8.3.1 Basic Settings

Servername: The Server name, used for two-factor-authentication (optional)

Server base url: The base url used when linking pages in the notification emails

Repositories root directory: In this directory, the repository data sets will be stored, this will need extended disk space, depending on the amount of data sets committed.

Root directory for library id files: In this directory, configured library data set ref ids will be stored

Glad service base url: The base url to an external GLAD service

Glad service api key: To push data set descriptors to the GLAD service, an API key is required, which can be set here.

Elasticsearch cluster: The cluster name of your elasticsearch installation (default: elasticsearch)

Elasticsearch server url: The host address of the elasticsearch installation (default: localhost)

Elasticsearch index name: The name of the elasicsearch index used for this collaboration server instance (default: lca- collaboration)

8.3.2 Enabled features

Some of the collaboration server’s advanced features can be disabled, including: Comments, Tasks, Messaging, Public repositories, Notifications, Activities and Tags (jump to figure above).

8.3.3 Mail Configuration

To be able to use notifications, you need to configure an email account to send from. You can use an existing smpt email account (jump to figure above).